IndonesiaFan is very vital function for you who are in the hot air. But like any other electronic item, the fan is damaged or even totally dead. If you have this sense of comfort you stay at home will be reduced. Before you rush into buying a new fan, you can try fixing the total dead fan at home.
how to fix broken fan
How to Fix the Total Dead Fan
Before you fix the total dead fan, make sure the fan is not connected to an electric current source.
The following is a checklist that you need to do to fix the total dead fan:
- Check the power cable of the fan whether there is a peel / disconnect. To check the power cable broken on the inside we need the help of AVO meter / multimeter. How to fix the total die fan because the power cord is broken by replacing it with a new one.
Read also: How to Check Electronic Components Using AVO Meter
- Check the panel connection on the speed control switch /
speed switch fan. Use the AVO meter to check the connections of each cable attached to the panel (usually 2-3 pieces of cable coming from the fan motor / coil transformer) with 1 cable leading to the source of the direct current. To check it cut the center of the cable, position the AVO meter switch on x1 or x10, attach each probe to the cable coming from the transformer / coil alternately. When the AVO meter needle moves to the right means there is a connection and this means the fan coil is still good. If the needle does not move it means there is damage in the coil. Possible damaged / broken parts are fuses / thermofuse or possibly on the coil wire. How to fix the total die fan because the break fuse then it can be replaced with a new one. While how to fix the fan completely off because the transformer coil is damaged, then bring the transformer to the service or replace with a new one.
Also read: Easy Way Checking Coil or Motor Coil 3 Phases
- Check the fan capacitor. Weak, damaged, or dead capacitors can cause the fan to spin slowly. The capacitor is usually a black box and is located behind the fan cover. The damaged capacitor is characterized by a bulging, swollen, or ruptured physical form. How to fix the fan completely off because the capacitor is damaged is by replacing the capacitor TSB with a new one.
That's 3 checklists to fix the fan you can do. Fixing your own fan in addition to sharpening your skills can also save you expenses.