The condition you are experiencing with the main symptoms of tingling in medical language is called paresthesia. Actually paresthesia is most often caused when the limbs are experiencing long-term pressure that can result in the supply of blood to the nerves in the area becomes obstructed.
Tingling mentioned above is classified as a temporary tingling. This can occur for example when after sitting cross-legged, wearing shoes that are too small, hands are crushed head while sleeping, etc .. While persistent or long-term tingling can be caused by: Diabetes, kidney disorders, liver disease, stroke, mutipel sclerosis, brain tumors, cancer, etc.
Hair loss itself can be caused by: hormonal changes, poor nutritional intake, alopecia areata, side effects from drugs, psychological stress, autoimmune diseases, etc.
Since your tingling has been continuously experienced, we strongly recommend that you immediately see a neurologist for a series of further tests so that a definite presentation of the condition you are experiencing is known and the right treatment can be given.
Click the article below for more details: KESEMUTAN HAIR RONTOK Thus the explanation that we can convey, may be useful.
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