A teenage lieutenant and brave De Bruijn then married at the palace of the Dutch governor-general in Aceh (formerly), but he chose to “Peucut” instead of being a “bride”. For the Dutch, he was considered valiant.
De Bruyn was an officer with the rank of first Dutch lieutenant assigned in Seunangan (West Aceh), he received direct orders from Van Heutsz (Dutch Governor in Aceh at that time) himself. Van Heutsz will also marry De Bruyn with a girl’s daughter a middle officer, the marriage will take place at the residence of Van Heutsz, the governor’s pavilion now.
Unfortunate for De Bruyn because he and most of his men were successfully wiped out by the Aceh fighters from Seunagan with a famous “klewangaanval”. De Bruijn suffered too many strokes so he could not be treated again. He boldly told the doctor who would take care of him on the battlefield (Seunagan): “Dokter, laat mij maar liggen, ik ga toch dood. Help liever de arme marechaussee’s!” (Doctor, let me this, I will die. Better doctors to help other poor soldiers!).
Heard such De Bruijn’s words. one of the other lieutenants approached De Bruijn’s wounded and bloodied body whispering into his ear if he had other messages. So with great difficulty Bruijn continued his will: “zeg aan mijn moeder dat ik mijn plicht heb gedaa!” (Tell my mother that I have fulfilled my duties!).
He did not remember and was not affected by his fiancee. Before he breathed his last breath, he uttered sincere words of satisfaction for their cause: “zeg aan mijn moeder, dat ik mijn best heb gedaan!” (Tell my mother that I have fulfilled my duties!). Just before death, he still remembered his mother and his duties as a soldier who was on duty. And it is not impossible that even many of them are calling for: “Leve de Koningin!” (live the Queen!)
The De Bruijn’s wound that caused his death was a spear wound (lanssteek) on his stomach, the first wound speared from a distance after he collapsed without being able to give resistance, he was bombarded with a ghastly chop. This happened around 1902 in Seunagan / West Aceh.
When De Bruijn’s body arrived at Ulee Lheu by ship from the Dutch Government, his arrival was actually to be the bride or “king of a day” while his fiancee was preparing to wear the wedding dress sent from Java by his father.
Van Heutsz firmly said to the bride: “My daughter De Bruijn has arrived but she is more important “Rest in Peucut” than sitting with you right now”. We can guess how disturbing the plight of Van Heutsz’s residence was This is a piece of history that “Peucut” can tell every visitor that if it is not broken.
Source : https://tengkuputeh.com/2017/11/12/peucut-kherkoff-aceh-dutch-war-monument/
It is any day better to stand erect with a broken and bandaged head then to crawl on one's belly, in order to be able to save one's head.
- Mahatma Gandhi
thank a lot