Maret-Mei, Kawasan Borobudur Full Atraksi Seni Budaya

in #aceh7 years ago


MAGELANG - Menpar Arief Yahya menyebut event pertama dalam Calendar of Event 2018 jatuh di 19-21 Januari 2018 ini. Yakni Festival Indonesia Festival atau biasa disebut Fest In Fest di Gedung Sapta Pesona Kemenpar. “Sekaligus persiapan 2 events di Feruari 2018, yakni Festival Pulau Penyengat Kepri 14-18 Februari dan Festival Bau Nyale Mandalika Lombok 20 Februari 2018,” kata Menpar Arief Yahya.
Tetapi seperti yang disampaikan Menteri Arief selama ini, bahwa events daerah yang sudah siap dengan kalender pasti, akan dipromosikan melalui beberapa channel
medianya. Salah satunya, berbagai atraksi seni budaya di seputar Borobudur Jawa Tengah.
Agendakan ke Magelang pada Maret hingga Mei 2018 mendatang. Dan datanglah ke kawasan sekitar Candi Borobudur. Nikmati kegiatan seni dan budaya selama dua bulan full yang berlangsung di kawasan sekitar Candi Buddha terbesar di dunia ini. Selama 6 Maret- 6 Mei 2018 Anda akan dipuaskan kegiatan Ruwat-Rawat Borobudur edisi ke-15.
Sucoro, selaku penyelenggara kegiatan mengungkapkan, kegiatan seni dan budaya “Ruwat-Rawat Borobudur 2018” sudah siap digelar. Acara yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat usaha-usaha dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pengembangan kepariwisataan kawasan Candi Borobudur di Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah dimulai 6 Maret.

Kegiatan rutin tahunan ini diawali dengan Kegiatan Pra Ruwat Rawat Borobudur 2018 (6/3) dengan tema "Memetri Candi, Nguri-uri Tradisi" yang berlangsung di Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB), Ringin Putih, Giritengah, Gleyaran.

Kemudian dilanjut dengan Sesaji Menoreh (7/3) dengan gelar Kidung Karma Wibangga di Tuksongo. Lalu 10 Maret pentas kesenian di TWCB dan 13 Maret Pitutur Luhur di Warung Info Jagat Cleguk. "Pada 17-29 Maret berlangsung Festival Kesenian Rakyat. Berlangsung di sejumlah wilayah Kledung, Tempuran, Cebuntan, Jambewangi, Tanggulangin dan Ngluwar," jelas Sucoro selaku penyelenggara kegiatan, Senin (15/1).

Maret-Mei, the Borobudur Full Attractions Cultural Arts.

MAGELANG - Menpar. Arief Yahya said the first in The Calendar's of the Event for the 2018 and 19-21 January 2018. That is the Festival of Indonesia Festival or so-called Fest In Fest at the Armed Forces Enchantment Kemenpar. “While the two events in Feruari the 2018, the Festival of Stinger, 14 to 18 February and smell Nyale Mandalika Lombok 20 February 2018,” said Menpar. Arief John.
But by the Minister of Arief for this, that events area that has been prepared with the calendar for sure, will be promoted through multiple channels.The medium. One of them, a variety of arts and cultural attractions around the Borobudur, Central Java.
Agendakan to Magelang in March to May 2018. And come to the area around the temple of Borobudur. Enjoy the arts and cultural activities for two months full, which took place in the vicinity of the largest in the world. For 6 March - 6 May 2018 you will be satisfied the Ruwat-Rawat, at the Borobudur edition of the 15th.
Sucoro, as the organizer activities, arts and cultural activities “Ruwat-Rawat, at the Borobudur 2018” is ready to be held. The event aims to strengthen efforts and increase public awareness of the development of tourism the temple of Borobudur in Magelang regency, Central Java on 6 March.

The routine of this annual opening set went with The Rule number three .. men are Ruwat Take care of Borobudur 2018 (intended) with the theme of "Memetri of, Nguri-uri The tradition", which took place in the Garden Tour Borobudur (TWCB), Ringin the White House, Giritengah, Gleyaran.

Then be continued with Sesaji Menoreh (7 / 3) with a Kidung The karma Wibangga in Tuksongo. Then, March 10, stage art in TWCB and March 13, Pitutur Luhur in Public Info Well, Cleguk. "In 17-29 March on The Art of the House of Representatives. It took place in a number of areas Kledung, Tempuran, Cebuntan, Jambewangi, Tanggulangin and Ngluwar," said Sucoro as the organizer activities, on Monday (15/1).

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