Macrophotography every day
This day is very exhausting. I was with friends doing a hunt together around my residence. we go to the edge of the rice fields, there we can get some photography objects. we only use the smartphone camera and use an additional macro lens to capture the object of macro photography
Flies. this is one of the objects of macro photography that I got today. I also catch some other small animal species. they are very much in this place. we hunted for two hours in this place. the atmosphere here is very pleasant. a fresh breeze is felt here. this place is far from air pollution. this place is in rural north aceh
Taken : with Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
Macro lens : Nikon l810 & Prosummer lens
Setting : Auto HDR
Taken by : @anasz
tatiek ideh jeut dua kali lipat..kaleuh kupugah
na laen lom nyoe yang groen.
kulet estemap divote 7 meunan.malah di jak chetah ...beuleun2 puasa kupugah brok akai awak nyan.meu baje baro tan meupat lom
hanapu phala puasa jih ibi keu dro keuh. ha.ha..
Masya Allah, great color of fly and matched..
Thank you