
in #achieve7 years ago

There are two forces within every human being to sustain life and fulfill the individual’s potential for health and happiness. One force strives to protect and defend the organism against harm, the other strives to nurture and enhance its well-being. In other words, one force provides safety and satisfaction, the other growth and satisfaction. We move toward self-actualization when the attractions for safety are minimized and the attractions for growth are enhanced.

In other words, we stop being afraid and start living : )

The first two level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Needs are that of safety. The next three levels are that of growth. Once we have obtained a solid base, one can move up the pyramid with much more ease. What prevents us from moving forward?

Barriers To Personal Growth

Perceptual Barriers are those that we impose upon ourselves because of our beliefs, values, and attitudes.

  1. Mistaken Ideas- Irrational Beliefs, Faulty Thinking, Maladaptive Rules for Living
  2. Lack of Knowledge- Unaware of Possibilities of Change
  3. Not Valuing Growth- Feeling They Are Fine and Others Should Change
  4. Not Wanting to Know- To Grow, One Needs to Know Themselves (Emotions, Impulses, Memories, Capacities, Potentialities) Might Cause Pain
  5. Tendency Toward Certain Inertia- The Principle Of Least Effort. Time & Energy Required for Change.

Emotional Barriers occur when we fail to maintain inner contact with our thoughts, feelings, imagery, impulses, beliefs, ideas, or fantasies.

  1. Fear (Anxiety)- Denies the Person the Opportunity to Grow
  2. Anger- Denies the Person from Developing Constructive Problem-Solving Skills
  3. Sadness- Denies the Person from Replacing or Compensating for the Loss
  4. Guilt- Denies the Person from Experiencing Pleasure or Joy

Behavioral Barriers are those habits that become ruts that keep us from trying other roadways. Instincts toward growth are weak rather than strong, and thus growth tendencies are easily stifled by habits. Doing something the same way time after time prevents us from discovering a more creative or effective method for achieving a purpose. One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth.

How to Achieve Personal Growth

Understanding our emotions, feelings, and affect

Focusing on Interesets

Focusing on Efforts, Improvements, and Contributions

Focusing on Strengths, Assets, and Potential

Goal Setting

Problem Solving


