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RE: Finally. I've Reached 1 Million Sports Power!

in #achievement5 years ago

I still like STEEM but it does have a lot of problems to work out. Getting better all the time and hopefully it will get there some day.

Sportstalk has huge potential as a tribe if it can get the basics right and create a better user experience than steemit managed. I've been here since day one but have seen a lot of the same mistakes repeat them self from the early days of steemit.

Congrats on the achievement of 1M and hopefully we can see this platform evolve into something that attracts a lot of people and creates a better user experience for people.


Well, honesty is the first failure for Steemit. Imagine 80% of the stakes are ninjamined from the management. That of course can drive crazy, especially in the markets. Now that they're programatically selling their Steems 800k per month, it's clear that they're the reason why Steem has been declining down to the bottom.

It's much different than sportstalk. Even the CEO Patrick purchased his own stake. The tokens are well communicated and are allocated with purpose. That's really what makes this tribe attractive - the honesty of the management and we can see that all over.

The selling has hurt the price but i'm glad they are getting rid of it and funding more development. At least now we are seeing things getting done with Eli at the head of the company. Since the markets are shit anyway it's given people a chance to build up their own stake in the chain and this has spread STEEM across a lot more accounts which is vital for the future. It's harmful for SP to be too concentrated giving accounts massive votes. Hopefully we can see a lot more medium accounts spreading STEEM across a much wider spread of accounts.

The same happened with sportstalk in the beginning giving some accounts massive votes which are very concentrated and leads to people self voting comments and trying to take out as much as possible from the system. Sportstalk failed to moderate this at the beginning and the bad accounts built up large stake and abusive practices. I know STEEM won't be moderated but the tribes need to be to get good content in front of the most people.

Patrick has done some good things with the tribe but it's been a one man team since the beginning and there are a lot of areas to cover so it can't be easy. A least there are referees and other systems coming into place for this and to be fair patrick has been open and honest with all of the plans which is great to see.

I can agree that Patrick still has a small group that handles this tribe. However, we note that tribes are new in the platform and that the idea has been readily developed by Steem-Engine team. Therefore, there is no need for a larger team.