What Happened to my Actifit Activities?

in #actifit4 years ago


I used to go on daily walks and used to upload my step count on Actifit almost daily but it is pretty evident that I haven't uploaded a single score in like a month or so. It's not like I have stopped going out for walks but the reason behind that is quite simple. I got a new smartphone that kind of forces Actifit app to close on ita own once the smartphone is idle. This means I get not a lot of accurate readings on my step count. Truth be told it only records like 10% of whatever I walk so that is kinda annoying.


On the flipside I am really looking for a way to stop my smartphone from closing all apps but I haven't got any luck till date. I guess I have to watch a few videos online to get a remedy for this. Till then no step counts from me guys. Plus I would also like to ask if Team @actifit has any plans on including Smartwatch Tracking other than Fitbit to their list as that would really be a fantastic update for the future.



It happened to me before when I was using actifit app on redmi note 8. I switch the app to iphone 8 and working good

Lucky me! It is working just fine. Anyway, good to know that actifit wasn't the only motivation for you; you are still doing activities despite the app is not working.