Well, I'm drinking my morning coffee while reading this and seeing your coffee paraphernalia makes me smile. And I can imagine I can smell the coffee roasting.
It's odd that being back in the USA I am longing for a good cup of coffee from the UK. It used to be the other way around, but around here in my area of USA we have a sort of coffee desert now, as many of the good local places are gone and we just have chains. Yet, in my little village outside Canterbury there are three great coffee houses at the end of foot and bridle paths stuck in fields! I'm so missing it already.
Here is to good UK coffee :)
You can certainly smell the coffee when I'm roasting, it get's a little smokey at times too! I think the big chains want to take over the UK as well, but we have a strong base of independent speciality coffee houses so I am confident that good UK coffee will be around for some time.