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RE: My Actifit Report Card: March 29 2019

in #actifit6 years ago

just give her the human stuff don't spend the extra money for the doggie stuff. You will notice an instant improvement in her mobility and just getting up from laying down. Chicken cartilage is also amazing for joints.
Her runny eyes are possibly due to allergies or something in her diet.
Have you considered a raw meat diet? I am slowly transiting my dog to one. Since I have been doing this she has more energy and is much more alert (almost to the annoying point) Her poops are much better too.
I am not sure what breed she is, but just know that the larger breeds do not live as long as the smaller ones. My pup is going on 11 now, I had her sister who I had to put down 3 years ago because of diabetes. I had their older sister from several litters before and she passed from leptospirosis which she had been vaccinated against, so I thought. Damn dogs! Could not imagine life without them!


Thank you so much for the information. I'll get her started on the glucosamine. I have heard a few times now may be allergies and/or diet. Slowly changing over food to better stuff for older dogs. Think its helping but to soon to tell. She is a 38lb fiest/sheppard mix that we rescued Dec 07 as a pup. Her name is Betsy. I think she was born within days of Halloween that year. So about 11.5 years old. Raw meat sounds tempting. Lack of discipline would certainly put a few more burgers in my belly.

Yours look to be having a great time playing tether ball. The are lucky to have such a good person.