I used to ride a bike a lot and had a 34 mile round trip commute that I did several times a week. The ebike would have been just perfect for that were it available at the time.
I've kind of slowed down a bit but it feels nice to get back into riding a bike. I think you would have fun if you tried it.
I used to ride a lot in my teens and 20s even did a few triathlons but started working out of NZ and traveling and moving a lot in my 30s and have never got back into it may be something I get into again when I retire
That was good exercise you got on your commute
I thought about doing a triathlon once but I ended up messing up my knee training for a 10K. It looks like fun but not possible or at least wise for me to try to do now.
Triathlons are hard I used to ride swim and also had done quite a few marathons so I did my first triathlon spur If the moment did fairly well in the swim then it went downhill from there I had never trained get my body used to the transition from one leg to the next finished it but it was a good lesson and I had to train and do a couple more just fir my own piece of mind
But yes it’s not possible for me to do them now just thinking about it makes me ache 😂