Awww, thanks for these encouraging words. This is the kind of advice I am often looking for when it comes to gaming. Just knowing it’s not you that find basic stuff difficult. I’ve seen my younger ex-addict brother play in the past and it always struck me as freaky how second nature it was for him to command the keys. So I figured I need some way to fix this key spamming issue or I’l never get better at casting multiple spells.
Yay on helpful people, but it’s more their company and the whining opportunities I enjoy. I really am uncomfortable getting gear from people. I’m innately lazy enough, I don’t want to get reliant on external help too!
There is heaps of stuff to learn. Every time I write one of these, I only touch 50% of what’s on my mind. The divination cards is ahead of me, I’ve not found any yet or know how to obtain them. I did read about them though, so this friend was skipping ahead, and that’s what I need to contain to some extent from all the super nice and helpful people. I want to enjoy and find stuff as I move along and have the fun of newness. But I understand people love to share, especially if they’ve been playing a while, so I try to find a middle ground. :)
Yes there is definitely heaps of stuff to learn. I just learnt something new just then. I wanted to pop online to tell you a skill you might be interested in that I find helpful. I guess you could say it is my primary skill since I've placed the skill in my dominate mouse button. It is called storm brand; believe its a blue gem. Great for quick aoe (area of effect); then linked with a support gem that can give a buff.
After checking out the name of the skill to tell you; I realised the word 'brand' and remember reading this word somewhere. Turns out its a thing and there are skill points you could use to buff them up. So exciting when you learn something new. Now I have more areas on the skill tree I want to put points into. Funny how my initial thought of the massive branching skill tree was negative and now it is positive.
I understand what you mean about enjoying and finding out stuff on your own as you play the game. Learn the new things as they come along. But through other people; depending on the topic; you get to discover more and could lead you to coming up with other great ideas on how to build your own character. Though I must say; I am/was one of those type of people who like to share when I've played a game for a while. I get excited and try to share things I wish I had known when I started the game. I've learnt from it; I try to stop doing it too much because I am just ruining the game for someone else. Learning the game through trial and error at your own pace is the fun part.
Also dont feel bad if you get some gear from people; just take it as an opportunity to play around with the new stats and gear.