LoL, calm down friend. I never said you didn't care, I said far to many people are just here for the weighted upvote. I am Sorry if you misconstrued that as an insult towards you, it wasn't, it was a general statement about those people. If you don't fit into that group then no need to freak out and start name calling. ;)
Who is being forced to buy tokens? No one. But if someone chooses to participate in weighted upvotes then there should be a barrier to entry so the system doesn't get gamed, which is continuously happening and is hurting every single token holder on the @actifit platform.
Asking a person who has never used the actifit platform to pay $6.63 in order to gain the benefits of weighted upvotes is a reasonable price in my eyes, less if they are already active users of the platform. (That is less than a meal at a fast food place). Especially considering you would make your investment back in 1 month through weighted upvotes.... So I guess I don't see how that is a "moneygrab"???
I would love to hear a response but please leave the name calling and attitude behind. I don't need that negativity in my life :0) Take care.