My pleasure JJ, but I am a bit concerned about the amount of people that would be gathered there in such a dense area. Traffic must present a huge problem? Wise of you to take the train.
Our town here has a height restriction and no building is more than two floors high. Only the skyscrapers at the beach are allowed.
I also seriously dislike fender to fender stuff my friend.
That place is going to transform into a human anthill.
Fortunately your time there is growing shorter by the day?
My pleasure JJ, but I am a bit concerned about the amount of people that would be gathered there in such a dense area. Traffic must present a huge problem? Wise of you to take the train.
Our town here has a height restriction and no building is more than two floors high. Only the skyscrapers at the beach are allowed.
yes that is a concern the streets here are always so busy already and the more high rises the more crowds and traffis
thats why I never drive through the city the congestionis crazy
I also seriously dislike fender to fender stuff my friend.
That place is going to transform into a human anthill.
Fortunately your time there is growing shorter by the day?
Ohh yeah me to I avoid traffic like that I think it is already a Human anthill and will only get worse
Guaranteed to get worse my friend.
Take care.
So true but like you said I won't have to deal with it for too much longer
New adventures await my brother.
We are making the best of this new place, 3 months here now and I am sure that you guys will do the same.