Thank you for taking the time to comment @farizal! That's all that this post requires to qualify for the random 5 Steem reward! Drop a comment on this post (and feel free to #HighFive everybody here in the comments section of the post as well for increased chances to win!).
It's comments that make all this communication real. Comments create community. Social Capital is what we are building (alongside financial capital!) here on the Steem Blockchain!
And what's better than #HighFive's anyway?! We can all use more positive input and connection right!? And hey! It's a chance to celebrate all the healthy wins you achieved throughout the week! 🙌
Later on I will be shooting a video to better explain what the #HighFive Initiative is all about... But for now... We have words on a page describing the concept. It's a start! And you just never know where a #HighFive will take you! I tell you... It's the quickest way to make friends here on the Steem Blockchain and in the hands on world around us as well!
Here's a #HighFive from me. I'm following you to get updated when the video up.
Thank you @farizal! It's great to meet and share a #HighFive with you! 🙌