Actions Speak Louder Than Words - An Overview

in #actions8 years ago (edited)

“Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often.” ~Mark Twain

We often hear people saying the phrase that "Actions speak louder than words", what do they mean by uttering those words? Do they mean that actions have a larger impact on different minds as compared to words? or Do they mean words don't have power to influence people to the extent the like action do?

Different school of thoughts exists regarding the mentioned phrase, different minds follow different perspectives. Some get influenced just by just words which might be due to their trustworthy and optimistic nature while some lack trust and want a visible result in front of their eyes in the form of actions which might be due to the quality of life they have been through that may include betrayal, dishonesty, fake relationships or whatever darkness that might exist in them.

“If we don't fight for what we 'stand for' with our passionate words and honest actions, do we really 'stand' for anything?”
― Tiffany Madison, Black and White

The Difference

Actions reflects sheer commitments whereas words are opposite to that. Sometimes words results to be meaningless while actions shows the mindset, willingness and the actual behavior of people. Words take very little effort to come to life whereas the actions in those words take a LOT of efforts. You can say anything without a second thought but doing what you say requires courage and dedication.

Actions represents reality whereas words reflect illusion so we can say that;

"Actions speak louder than words."

For instance, If a person says he is honest, he might be. But if he shows some act of honesty through his actions that will simply explain his nature and and he will not be required to use words to explain himself.

That is, he is not simply proving he is honest; He's actually honest!

A Perfect Example

Being a sophisticated and literate citizen, we all have authority to vote and choose our ruler but before choosing them we usually opt for the people who drive us through the flowery gardens full of beneficial stances, positive attitudes and actions. The optimistic words, promises and actions of those people influence us and by triggering our weak points. We always vote for someone who has contributed enough for his people and we never believe some who says "I'll do that". We always believe someone who says "I've done that" because actions speak louder than words.

“Thoughts do more. Words to much. Actions do much more.”
― Israelmore Ayivor


We cannot say words are powerless, with the power of these words many poets have influenced their people to won the hardest battles in their way. Words do have power. Words may drive away fear from hearts. Words are mighty explosive as well.
We need to fuel such words with our truest actions and when these actions are not performed in the way the words were spoken turn out to be futile. For example, there is a man who is said to be very generous, his course and actions are very praiseworthy but devoid of his actions performed in the sight of people, nothing will be actually believed or honored.

Therefore, his actions will surely testify the words.

“Prejudice is learned. What will you teach others through your actions and words?”
― DaShanne Stokes

Consider this, which would scare you more?

  • An angry person shouting "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" - OR

  • A man points a gun to your head.

Actions do speak louder than words and continuous actions are something that shape our character and reputation.

For Example; If your partner says that he/she wants to spend time together by couldn't show up repeatedly, it means that they are just communicating and they are not willing to follow up on their promises

Likewise; If someone says that they want to change themselves but repeatedly fails to make an effort, it means that their words are meaningless and they are just are communicating that they aren’t willing to do things differently.

To Conclude:

At the end of the day, the words and actions that we choose to do are the mirror to our souls as actions proves who you really are while words only tell others about our desires. We always need to choose between being mistreated or we can choose to set a boundary. We all deserve second chances, and sometimes a third or fourth but other times we need to open our eyes so that we know when enough is enough. As they say;

“Lips and tongues lie. But actions never do. No matter what words are spoken, actions betray the truth of everyone's heart.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Born of Fury

Follow me @perfectionist


Not always.....A good slogan can ring for eternity. For instance:

2016 was the year of the "blockchain"...but 2017 is the year of the "BLOGCHAIN!"

See, if you choose perfectwords, then they can echo influence louder.