Rescue The Republic: September 29

in #activism4 months ago (edited)

By Neenah Payne

Constitution Day Celebration: 9/18-9/19 shows that the 8/31/24 NY Times article The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous? says: “One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.”

Rogan scorches NYT piece calling the Constitution a 'dangerous' threat: 'What the f--- are you talking about?' shows that Joe Rogan discussed that serious implications of that article. He further discussed the threat in the article with Dr. Brett Weinstein in his podcast Joe Rogan Experience #2198 Bret Weinstein on 9/4/24.

Weinstein pointed out:

We are now watching the fusion of corporate power and governmental power that is the definition of fascism. We’re seeing the breakdown of individual and national sovereignty….It’s clearly the civil liberties that make the West possible and we’re going to have to level up quickly. If we are actually going to survive.

Rogan: So, what’s the worst-case scenario in your mind with all the competing factors?

Weinstein: I’m concerned that we are facing the last opportunity to wield the power that remains in our Constitution to preserve the West. I really believe the West is a stake in this election…. I truly believe the Republic is in serious jeopardy. However it happened, the Blue Team has become hostile to all of the fundamental values that allow the Republic to function and that undergird the West… That system is incredibly dynamic and powerful. It Increases human well-being at a rate that no other competing system has ever come close to. It’s capacity to generate wealth is incredible, but it is vulnerable.

The reason the Founders of the US carved out all of these counterintuitive rights are in order to stabilize that system, you needed to have an industrial strength document that prevented all sorts of threats from getting anywhere near the core of that system. So, I think the worst case scenario is the next election — November— we don’t beat the cheat margin. The Blue Team remains in power and it dismantles the remaining protections of our civil liberties and the basis of our freedom.

Rogan: What would be the way they would go about doing that?

Weinstein: Well, you saw it—that thing you put up from the New York Times. The First Amendment is already in TREMENDOUS peril. We’ve got Brazil turning off X and threatening to ruin in anybody who uses a VPN to circumvent their block. You’ve got Pavel Durov (owner of Telegram) effectively taken hostage in France. You have people in Britain being arrested for speaking freely.

The US is in someways the last holdout because our First Amendment is spelled out in very clear terms and it’s difficult to get around it….You and I lived through a time of terrible censorship – but it had to be cryptic. You showed The New Yorks experimenting with how to phrase the argument for unhooking the Constitution so that people would get used to the idea that that was being done FOR them….

Here’s the frightening part….That First Amendment is where it is for a reason. It is THE fundamental all of these….. So, I am concerned that we can hear our civil liberties creaking. You can hear that document threatening to give away. You can hear the enemies experimenting with explaining why they’re really the ones who are looking out for your best interests.

All of these maniacs are going to make violence inevitable. We HAVE to avoid that! We absolutely HAVE to avoid that! So, several of us are holding an event on the Capitol Mall on September 29 between the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial.

That event is called “Rescue The Republic”. It is really about rescuing the republic to save the West. This is an attempt to gather the Unity Movement that is forming. There are transcendent moments in culture. There are moments at which something shifts -- a defining moment for a generation. The event we are holding is an attempt to start a new era, to come together to fend off this force that is obviously targeting our civil liberties, our freedom, the very foundations of our system.

We’ve outlined eight pillars – things anyone who understands the value of the West would resonate with. These are just fundamentals…. We’re going to get as many people as we can on The Mall. It could be 50,000 people. That’s not enough. To be able to prevent the other side from being able to cheat its way to victory, there needs to be a massive showing of support for this Unity Coalition. It NOT MAGA although MAGA is PART of that Coalition. We saw that happen when President Trump brought on Bobby Kennedy when Kennedy stepped out of the race. That was the moment at which the idea of unity began to catalyze.

Gathering on The Mall allows us to show how many of us there are and how serious we are about restoring the Republic and returning to the Foundational Principles.”

Rescue The Republic

Rescue The Republic – Join The Resistance

‘Rescue the Republic’ Announces RFK Jr. as Feature Speaker at Historic Event in Washington, DC on September 29

Rescue the Republic has announced Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as a “Featured Speaker” at a rally in Washington, D.C., on September 29. The organization shares, “The Left and the Right will unite as over one hundred thousand Americans from all political persuasions will descend on Washington.”

Additional announced speakers include, Russell Brand, Tulsi Gabbard, Bret Weinstein, Matt Taibbi, Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Robert Malone MD, Pierre Kory MD, Dr. Heather Heying, Jimmy Dore, Tennessee Jet, comedian JP Sears, and musical acts the Defiant, Skillet, Five Times August and TN Jet.

Rescue the Republic shared in a press release, “The non-partisan rally is an effort to unite and mobilize the public and candidates around shared values and eight core pillars of the American Commitment.” “For the first time, more Americans identify as ‘Independent’ than as members of a major party, with most voters fed up with information operations and corporate media that divide people based on identity politics. These voters believe the Republic is under attack and must be rescued, and they want candidates who will join the fight.”

Organizers shared that the weeks following the rally leading up to the election, “are crucial to educating and mobilizing voters and candidates at all levels of government.”

Rescue the Republic’s Eight Pillars include:

  • War is always the last resort
  • Sanctify and recodify informed consent
  • Banish state information control, surveillance & propaganda
  • Secure monetary freedom
  • Restore family sovereignty
  • Enact a rational border policy
  • Return to truth-seeking and open dialogue
  • End Lawfare and abuse of the judicial system
Angela McArdle, co-director of Rally to Rescue the Republic and Chair of the National Libertarian Party, said, “We need YOU to join the resistance.

Together, we can restore the values that make our Republic so beautiful and worth saving. We’re bringing together notable musical artists, comedians, and thought leaders of our generation to stand together and rescue the Republic.”

Dr. Bret Weinstein, co-host of the DarkHorse podcast and a key visionary of the rally, added thoughts on why our Republic is worth preserving. “At its heart, it is an agreement to distribute opportunity as widely as possible. Today, the foundation that makes up the West is under attack. This moment demands radical change and requires liberals, conservatives, and independents of every color and creed to unify to rescue the West,” said Weinstein.

Learn more about the event here.

Rescue The Republic Rally To SAVE Western Civilization! w/ Bret Weinstein & Angela McArdle

On Sunday, September 29th 2024 a group of leaders, scholars, and other notables will converge on the grounds in Washington DC between the World War II Memorial and the Washington Monument to stage the “Rescue the Republic” rally. As something of a follow-up to the recent “Rage Against the War Machine” rally, this event will feature speakers including Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi, Tulsi Gabbard and — that’s right! — Jimmy Dore.

Rescue the Republic: Join the Resistance

Come and hear Tulsi and Dr. Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand, and many other influential speakers speak at Rescue the Republic: Join the Resistance. The event will be on Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 12pm located in between the WWII Memorial and Washington Memorial in Washington, DC.

September 29, 2024 at 12:00pm - 7pm
Between the WWII Memorial and Washington Memorial
Washington, DC, United States

More Information

Register Now

Over 100,000 expected at rally to Rescue Republic in Washington 8/20/24

Organizers say they expect a major turnout at a bipartisan rally in Washington DC next month entitled “Rally to Rescue the Republic.” The following information is from rally organizers.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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The country and the citizens needs to be saved actually

Sounds really good!

but what does

secure monetary freedom


The Republic really has to be rescued
This is a great article and information

Great again

The duty of the government is to provide security to the people