Hey there Hive community,
I've been down the rabbit hole looking at some of the darkest shadows of society. Part of it is for my work as the executive director for WantToKnow.info (we just finished our new UFO Information Center and Military-Intelligence Corruption Information Center)!
Going deeper, I've always been drawn to uncovering darkness with joyful optimism, solutions, and visions for a better world.
In the past few weeks, I haven't been able to muster any sense of joyful optimism or practical solutions to the darkness I've been learning about. Black budget military-intelligence progams, including CIA-funded drug trafficking covert operations directly responsible for the longstanding drug addiction epidemic in our society. Political elite factions involving child sex abuse ringshave disappeared from sponsors’ homes after the federal government placed them there. What's most shocking is that there is no clear government agency responsible for searching for these missing children or investigating why they're disappearing. (@v4vapid, I see you). The border crisis, where thousands of unaccompanied children
Just writing these issues out has me fired up. Is it any wonder why people would have a hard time believing that corruption of this magnitude exists? And do you ever marvel at our failure to discover and identify root causes of the injustices occurring while we endlessly argue over partisan differences? I despise the intentional media blackout about these issues and how they keep us distracted and confused.
A few days ago, I was walking my dog around the park. I watched sweet little children play, their innocent laughter echoing throughout the commons. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of paranoia mixed with a sense of protectiveness for these children. Yet taking some deep breaths, I challenged myself to notice and pay attention to the love of the parents playing with the little ones. Something I'm finding courage in is knowing how powerful and redemptive love is, regardless of the darkness of the world. And that real love and secure attachments are usually not common among those who are power abusers.
“Those who have power tend to be seriously uninitiated people. In other words, they don't know who they are. And therefore they cannot really know who other people are. And then you give them power and they cannot help but misuse it because they don't understand how power is supposed to be used to bring people together, not apart.” - Michael Meade
How do I live in this world knowing what I know?
I'm figuring it out day by day. I do know that I can trust the natural world: the way the birds fly in the sky gracefully, the stillness of the lakes near my house, the rise and fall of the sun, the cold air hitting my cheeks.
And I can trust my health and journey towards well-being. Healing my excessive fears. Learning how to emotionally regulate better in the face of some of the most painful topics. Devoting myself to the love for humanity and the desire to meet the world's sorrows with fierce compassion and commitment to action. Finding my strength, balance, freedom, and vitality through shuffle dancing.
What's something that is giving you all meaning and purpose during these challenging times?
Below are videos of me dancing to some of my favorite songs from the past year. This first one is a song called "With You" by Klur.
This is a song called "Rush" by Ayra.
And this dreamy song "Time Traveller" by Sum Wave gives me so much positive energy!
And here's a dance session from this morning. I took my first online shuffle class and felt inspired to start incorporating new moves and deepening the movements I already know.
Hope you enjoy, Hive community! To close, I'll end with a beautiful quote by Charles Eisenstein. I've been reading this every day, and it's been giving me a sense of hope. Knowledge of the world's darkness is made possible because of the love for humanity that enables people to speak out and seek justice, regardless of the dangers and risks.
The world is good because it gives us all we need to create from it and with it. And, abiding in gratitude for that gift, we naturally desire to give in turn. We naturally desire to add our own creativity to creation, to make the world even more good, more alive, and more beautiful. And when I know that the world is good, I am not afraid.
Hey great post! The seriously uninitiated may be manning the rudder of our shitshow society, but we're shining light into its dark corners.
As always, love the dancing: ) The extra kicks in vid 3 and the hair flip in vid 4 were particularly impressive.