Activism Defined

in #activism4 years ago

"Some very small minded people believe activism is narrowly defined as only including the activity they approve of. Others believe that any action you take, no matter the intent or outcome, is positive activism that should be praised and supported. I call both types of people; stupid. If you take action, you are an activist. Your activism may be useful or useless. It may be wise or foolish. It may be dramatic or calming. It may do what you expect or it may not. Talking is activism. Handcuffing yourself to the door of a police station is activism. Pouring gasoline on your head and igniting it on the courthouse steps is activism. Activism is not defined by the intent nor the results of the action. Activism is defined as action taken for a purpose. Judging the wisdom or the efficacy of the activism is a completely different matter."


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