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RE: The Biggest Conspiracy Of All

in #activism7 years ago

I'm reminded of an X-Files episode (Season 11, Episode 4, "The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat"), where Mulder and Scully contemplate the Mandela Effect, then quickly move on to recognise how nothing can ever be claimed as the absolute truth anymore since multiple lines of accepted truth seem to exist in the world today.

For instance, Trump heavily promoted Hillary's criminality during his election campaign, which she denied, as you would expect, but despite touting that he would lock her up if he won, he seemingly just forgave her and dropped the allegations altogether. Now I know his followers still believe her to be guilty, and her followers believe her to be innocent, so still trying to be of a sound and unbiased mind, I'm left confused as to what the actual truth is. It's easy to assume that all politicians are criminals, but without proof, and in the face of those who believe in her, I simply can't say yay or nay to her guilt.

As for Obama's birthplace, who's to know where he was born, considering that a seemingly legitimate, and doctored, birth certificate seems to occupy the same space within reality.

Political parties have generally always taken opposing sides in order to capture their share of the voter base, but since Trump they now seem to proffer opposing truths. Maybe, what was once considered party position (i.e. opinion) has now become so blatant and honest-sounding that we are being sucked in to believing them as truths instead.

I truly thought Hillary was guilty. I truly thought border-crossing Mexicans were bad people.

I had no choice, after the election, after I woke up to this crazy double-mindedness, but to abandon trying to understand the truth altogether. I couldn't call either of them liars, because I didn't know who was telling the truth, but I also couldn't call either of them truthful. So, sadly, the baby had to get thrown out with the bath water.

I don't believe for a second that North Korea is a threat. Not right now anyway, with or without nuclear weapons. Nor do I believe that Assad is a threat, or Iran, or China. The only one who stands out as a threat to me are our own leaders, who are refusing to be honest any more. As far as I'm concerned, they are lost, and those who understand truth, not from popular opinion but from learned experience, are quickly awakening to the fact that we are on a singular path to chaos and destruction. The end of the system has no choice but to come, because without truth it no longer has a solid foundation to hold it up.

I simply can't see a world where the people in it accept a bipolar reality, where they enjoy their day to day lives while simultaneously fearing the inevitable end of everything. Something has to give, and I suspect a big snap will soon happen, all of a sudden and on a worldwide scale.

I've already chosen to have faith rather then fear, as I'm sure most truthers have done as well, which means I've given up on all hope of any government finding their way back to the reality of the everyday men and women who they claim to be there for. They no longer share my understanding of what is the truth and what is a lie. Their unreasonable quest for safety and security has caused them to abandon honesty altogether, which makes them as much an enemy to me as anyone can be.