Too Big For A Box

in #activism6 years ago

Some of President Trump's comments about Baltimore hit where I grew up a bit. The head of the Urban League for the community I called home from when I was 9 until I moved out decided to do an editorial in the paper of record.

The community I came of age in is a bit unique. One of many towns in Western Pennsylvania coping with the loss of manufacturing, but this community has the added issue of being predominately African-American. I would guess the majority of the African-American population of the county my hometown is part of lives where I grew up and part of an adjacent community. The rest of the county seems to be slowly becoming part of "Pennsyltucky".

When I mentioned the type of people who were commenting on the editorial , complete with a meme, an alumnae of my high school alma mater called me out for a group I had started after a local restaurateur was killed in front of his establishment. I had thought his death would be a "wake up call" for the community to confront the culture that seemed to glorify violence, guns, drugs, etc.

I brushed her comments off, but a few days later realized the whole incident showed how I don't fit into a convenient box. Yes, I'll call out militarized police and mass incarceration; I'll also bring up how the the African-American community often makes deviants heroes. This extends to other activists; I have been critical of rural Americans, especially how they often vote against their economic interests. The fervor many of my more radical comrades have to want to arm for a rebellion is to me foolhardy and may be fatal is another point where I may not be in lockstep with the left. The battlefield I would like to see the revolution fought on is one of information, not bullets.

Not being able to be put into a convenient category does come with some responsibilities. I don't have a license to be an ass. I have to give ground and respect organizing spaces. I also have to know when to keep my mouth shut. I can't be outspoken about supporting groups like Mom's Demand, Everytown, and CeaseFire when I see tweets from the revolutionaries of the left.

I'll slip, I'l have to backpedal, and I'll probably lose a few more followers. I will be true to myself though.