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RE: Hope is a Scam, Like Authority

in #activism7 years ago (edited)

Agree a 100%. The light at the end of the tunnel is a speeding train.
But I doubt that we have any chance anymore.
For every person waking up, there are thousand morons born every day.
Just look at comments on youtube. Look at all these politically correct social justice warriors.
Way more of them as truthers.
And it takes only one asshole with a chemtrail plane to poison millions.
And we can do nothing but breathing this shit in.
Waking the sheep up will only create distraught sheep.
80% are asleep, 19% are somewhat awake but mislead by fucks like Q anon or Alex Jones, 1% know what's going on and preach to the choir in an insignificant corner on the internet.

My only solution is to fuck them back wherever I can. Make it a bit harder for them. Be subversive.
Yell out the truth wherever I can.
Rock the sinking boat.
Be a turd in their fucking punchbowl.
At least have some fun while we are being fucked.
Only fair.


Sadly, it might be all we're left with soon.
I hope the 1% shouting like Braveheart in the ending scene inspires some of the rest :-)

I have only one rule left. If you want to fuck me, you at least have to look me into the eyes and say you love me. Or buy me dinner. If not, I will pie all over you. I will spit in your soup wherever I can.
They play dirty, for thousands of years already. I am not turning the other (ass) cheek. I am rather a loser than a quitter, as Al Bundy said. If these motherfuckers would have a foreskin, I'd bite if off with my toothless gums. Hope my little rant inspires ONE person.
If it does, I already won and it was worth it :) Cheers, Mate!

But I doubt that we have any chance anymore....

it all comes down to: How Much Can We Afford To Lose To Save Humanity?

Anybody not ready to lose big is part of the problem, because the "ego" is preventing society from initiating a paradigm shift.

It is a spiritual/metaphysical battle above all. I blog a lot about it.

Maybe you are right. I certainly hope so. But from my perspective, this shit is real.
Real chemtrails. Real poison. We eat, drink and breathe it in every day.
Our children are being vaccinated, indoctrinated, manipulated, sterilized, genderized. We all are being successfully chemically sedated and mentally dumbed down. Look at the comments and "likes" on YouTube. Go to any Walmart to see how our current state of being is in reality. Maybe some people find their spiritual salvation. That's great, I wish them all the Best.
Meanwhile, in reality, we are being fucked on so many levels that we are overwhelmed by it.
We have not succeeded in solving a single problem so far. The opposite. It is getting worse. If you follow the news, you will find out that humanity is getting dumber and more vicious every day.
Once 5G and the SocialCredit System is established, the door is shut forever.
Personally, I do not see any way to prevent any of it in time before it is too late.

yeah, sure I agree. The situation is pretty dire.

Every day I wonder how I find the energy to preach in favor of voluntaryism. I just know that Truth must remain available in the darkness not matter what.

you are a good soul, I mean it

You are so kind. And of course you are right. Even if we are up against all odds, one cannot be silent if he has any kind of character. In @maxigan's latest video he posted was a nice slide displayed:

If you are not on a government watchlist by now, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I completely agree :)