Putting a picture of Jesus on mosque property is a police matter. Hate crimes will be how they acheive sharia.

in #activism8 years ago

Putting a picture of Jesus on mosque property is a police matter. Hate crimes will be how they acheive sharia.

Cair just gave us an open. Pam Geller and rebel have picked up on it but it's on CAIR's YouTube, I Hooper. Some guy put a picture of a cross on the fence of mosque property, and the cops are looking for info on the dude in relation to a hate crime, "bias incident". Like WTF is that and when did those laws get passed?

Hate crime is how they will force Sharia on us.

I think we should start talking methods of safely and securely spamming them with images of Jesus. They don't have an issue with Jesus, they have an issue with him, or any holy figure being depicted.

But these people get a little crazy and hate crimes, even fucking fake ones, are no laughing matter. No need for senseless casualties.

Online, we can do it safely, unless you're in Europe, in which case maybe vpns or tor could help you.

IRL, you don't want to mail using your real address, your handwriting, an envelope run through a laser printer at any point after you purchase it, or use any printed papers from a printer that can be tied back to you in any way, remember how they got Reality Winner.

When dropping it off, be mindful of any cameras in the area if in the city. Better that they get images of you disguised up than your license plate. Park the car, and take a stroll. Lower population density, lower prevalence of digital security measures to trip you up.

Also, no meat, urine, shit, bodily fluids ect. That's biohazard. Through the federal mail service, so it's a federal felony, which means you do minimum 80% before parole, with the inevitable hate crime which doubles the sentence, you'll be fucked for life for sending biohazard through the mail. Not the hill you want to die on.

And it doesn't have to be too offensive, these people operate on a hair trigger. Probably piss them off just having the kufar sending them mail.

You can also send edited versions of the koran. So they know what's acceptable and what's not, because no ones ever done that for them .

Get creative.

Think of it in terms of creating wildly offensive content tayloyered to what they find offensive, and less so westerns. Think of it as though you may have to defend this act of political, social and religious protest and free speech that some Orwellian useful dhimmwits will undoubtedly label hate speech and islamoxenabigophobicist. But fuck them and fuck that. This is our right. And we will not see it torn from us.

We need to draw attention to this insidious ass shit that we haven't really been paying attention to. We need to do so in ways so innocent yet subtly offensive so that when they inevitably come at us with their tired shtick, maybe, just maybe, they'll finally jump the shark.