Broken Beaks.
Dreaming of flying. Here is your opportunity. Here are the headlines. First, Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to the Twitter Headquarters in New York City (NYC) today. Laura was banned last week from Twitter for being an effective journalist. This same thing happened in Vietnam, China, & many other countries around the world throughout history. Second, you are next. Get involved while you still can. History is on your side. Be on the winning side. You have the opportunity to fight against tyranny like Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson, Trump, Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux, Mark Dice, & other patriots do. Join us & Eat Oatmeal.
Lionel Nation Media
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United America First
Will Johnson talked about Laura Loomer
Hotep Jesus
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Laura Loomer
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What a show.
Voted! Sharing and following. Use the informationwars tag. I'll share it to them.
Good advice. Awesome. It can be tough because some people are downvoting some of my posts when I talk about history, Loomer, Mark Dice, psychology, anthropology, religion, morality, Molyneux, etc.
People are talking about all those...