Lamestream - Sex and violence sales whilst truth is often ignored...
I am an independent musician / cgi artist (MONO) and political activist seeking to better this world, I do not sell out my morals for money and I never will. This is my forever expanding album (Keep Looking) The music is experimental and varies throughout, I do not follow trends, I do my own thing but still happy to work with like minded people.
Unfortunately many mainstream artists are lost in an illusion whilst other artists promote the whips and chains structure by producing low conscious materials of distraction. No doubt there are many fantastic artists out there, but for the majority mainstream is wack!
I'm certainly not the most talented artists out there by far, I don't follow trends, I just do my own thing. I am not the only politically active artist, there are many in this world. Mainstream often ignores artists who send honest politically active messages and critical thinking within their music/art, instead they'd rather have us listening to what they want us to hear, a distraction from reality.
At current politically active artists are ignored to the point they can't even make a living. It would be great to see a movement for people taking an interest in politically active artists and support them by buying their products and promoting their work. You won't get a special badge or anything, but you will have an album of knowledge which you just can't buy off the shelf and you will be empowering those individuals who are trying to better this world.
I am not trying to push my album, it is free to download, just trying to encourage others to seek out and support other independent artists who are REAL in the bid to force mainstream to change.
The Youtube links I have posted are from independent hip-hop artists who have worked with GlobalFaction, I consider it to be the best record label for real independent hiphop artists/poets. Every single production has content that is real and to the point. They are a great source for finding conscious mc's, go seek them out and support the artists that resonate with you.
Peace, love n light...
Thanks for sharing. I have been in the music business for 30 years and the music we cover is aweful. Thanks for sticking to your guns.
I would never sell out, not for all the money in the world :-)