I've definitely struggled with various people on 'my' side (a bit lefty) trying to shut down free speech. For me, it is sacrosanct. I'm "left" of some people when it comes to some things, but on the free speech issue I'm pretty dug in.
Glad to see other people on our side coming to the same conclusions. A lot of the more libertarian-leaning stuff I read already quadruples-down on free speech, but I wish the left would just as much. As soon as protected speech can get shut down, so can the political ideals you're trying to get across. And that can't happen.
Agreed. Speech and open communication are the main alternatives to violence and totalitarian control. It's interesting though, because it happens on both sides. The right effectively censors speech that isn't approved by the "tenants of faith" which shall not be questioned. I find that so interesting now... most of my life I lived in communities which literally had a piece of paper with a bunch of things written on it that you are never supposed to question if you wish to remain part of that community.