Every one has a senior in their family, and they do their best to make them happy. In case you have an elderly in your family, then you may be looking for ways to help them improve the quality of their life, and adapt to this period, when they do not have so many things to do. If you want to help them keep their health strong then you should know that exercise has a great role in doing this. Being active can help your grandparents in different ways, from improving memory, to strengthening social relationships and preventing depression.
Many seniors consider exercise a social event, so you can enroll them to a water aerobic class, where they can connect with other seniors. These sessions offer them the chances to find the latest social news and to exercise in the same time, so they would enjoy multiple benefits. Also, exercising has the amazing benefit that it improves people’s mood and it influences their deposition. Exercising is effective in lessening the feelings of depression because it releases mood-boosting endorphins. So if you know that your seniors are suffering from depression and mood swings, you should plan some activities that will help them feel better. Below you will find some ideas from which you can inspire.
Hiking or riding
If you want to help them get back into exercising, then you should take them to an easy hike or walk in the park. It does not matter if they walk on the beach, around the block or they take a nature hike, this activity will give their heart and lungs a workout. If they are nervous about trying these activities, you can join them the first times they go out. In this way, they would become confident, and in time they will make new friends and they would want to do it by themselves.
Treasure hunting

If you are looking for a way to help your grandparents make new friends, then you should offer them as a gift a meal detector. Seniors simply seem to love these high tech devices, even if they do not understand them completely, this one they will have no issues to use. Actually, on the market you will find different types of devices, and for being sure that they will not have any issues in using it, you should buy them a beginner metal detector. You do not have to spend too much on the metal detector, because there are devices listed at affordable prices, and considering that your grandparents are the ones who would use it, it is important to be simple to use and functional. Metal detecting helps them stay active and make new friends, because nowadays more and more people spend time outdoors in trying to find treasures. And in case they would find something valuable they would be motivated to be more active.

When the spring comes, you can help your seniors stay independent, by encouraging them to spend their time in planting flowers in the back yard . They would enjoy the beautiful weather and they will feel safe because they will stay close to you, in case they do not feel well. Depending on the size of your garden they would spend more or less time in caring the plants, and this will help them stay away from daily worries, and they will not be stressed out. Also, when the plants will grow they will be proud, and they will want to share their result with the others, so they will spend time with their friends.
Senior activity or sport classes
If your grandparents want to be more active, but they simply do not know what activity to try, you can help them and look for some classes designed especially for seniors. There are multiple centers that design programs for seniors, with activities suitable for different categories , so you should ask them what they would like to do and try to find a center where they can spend their time. You can be sure that there is a place that offers fun activities as yoga, golf and dance classes for elderly, so you only have to check around. Exercise helps people prevent different diseases and reduces the risk of developing various disabilities, so you should not ignore this aspect. Many chronic conditions can be treated with exercise and regular movement, so if you know that your seniors suffer from a serious disease, you can ask their doctors what activities they recommend to help them improve their state.
Swimming and water aerobics
Swimming is a beneficial activity for different categories of people, because it improves their health. It requires using multiple groups of muscles of the body and it is easy on joints, therefore it is perfect for elderly. You can help your grandparents do their balance exercises in the pool, because there is no risk for falling. Also, swimming increases the bone density, and this means that they will have a reduced risk of developing osteoporosis.
These are only some of the activities seniors can try, so you should feel free to find other ones if you think that your seniors would benefit from them.