Best Practice
- Retweet our tweets with tag #share2steem and #actnearn
- Repost our instagram posts on your instagram account with tag #share2steem and #actnearn
- Share our Posts on any of your social media account and post link of that share as a new post with tag #actnearn
- Make a brand new post (one pic and apprx 500 words) about us or our recent campaign with tag #actnearn and provide links of proof of action. Links of proof of action are links of sharing your post on other social media channels.
For actions 1-3 we will upvote with weight of 1-10%
For action 4 we will upvote with weight 10-100%
Note - To enable #share2steem tag you will have to link your social media accounts with share2steem on their website
Proof of Action (POA)
Support us by Delegating SP to ActnEarn
steembottracker to enter your username, the amount of SP you want to delegate, and place actnearn as the user you are delegating to.Delegate SPs to @actnearn. To delegate SP to @actnearn you can use
We thank our delegators for their immense faith in us and their support - @prameshtyagi, @michelios, @jist, @saskia,@blockcryptochain,@boyasyie, @mcoinz79, @pouchon, @bencana0523 . Our current SP weight is 6455.
What will our Steem Delegators get
Delegators will receive 10 actnearn SMT tokens per month for each delegated SP.
Follow us at
Steem Twitter Facebook Linkedin YouTube Instagram SkorrDiscord
Delegated a few SPs and a few Pals all the best through-out @actnearn and all steemers.