In order to reduce number of replies -pls reply all your contributions in one reply as done by actnearn itself. We look for your support on this
Brief Introduction for Today's Action
Action for this post is to promote ActnEarn.
Procedures and Rules to Participate
The rules and procedures are laid out in How can you earn rewards with ActnEarn. Please read it carefully, take actions as described, and earn upvote on your comments. SIMPLE!!!
Support us by Delegating SP to ActnEarn
Delegate SPs to @actnearn. To delegate SP to @actnearn you can use this link to enter your username, the amount of SP you want to delegate, and place actnearn as the user you are delegating to.
We thank our delegators for their immense faith in us and their support - @pandit, @renutyagi , @tumbaktu, @michelios, @mahimas, @blockcryptochain. Now our SP Weight is 34,118.
What our supporters will get
- Delegators will receive 10 actnearn SMT tokens per month for each delegated SP when SMTs are launched.
- We will calculate loyalty and influence index of DOERS from the data till the date SMTs are launched. Participants will be awarded actnearn SMT tokens based on that loyalty score.
How do we expect to grow value of actnearn SMTs
- Our social influence services can be used by paying in actnearn SMTs
- Our social influence services can also be used by paying in fiat currency.
- Earnings from both these sources will be used to grow the value of our SMTs
To know more about the actnearn project pls read our introductory post
Follow us at
Steem Twitter Facebook Linkedin Google+ YouTube Instagram Tumblr
For Support Contact us at our Discord Channel
How to use our services
- Plsease note we do not promote your content on steem platform but outside steem platform.
- Send 13 steem to @actnearn
- Put link of the content that you wish to promote in memo like "@actnearn Please Promote - actual link"
- Link must contain one image or gif or video
- We will review your promotion request and if it is not NSFW then next day we will promote your content through our network of influencers
How good is the deal for you
- We distribute 26 Steem per day as rewards though upvotes to our influencers and you pay only 50% of that
- Our Influencers effective followers are 100K plus
- Our effective engagement rate for our influencer's network is 0.23 as measured by SKORR. And it is 5 times more than of Famous celebrity Shakira (0.05) and 50% of Ronaldo's (0.48)
Followers = 515
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~~~ embed:QlOZcprv11U youtube ~~~
Subscribers = 18
Followers = 93
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Followers= 560
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Posted using Partiko Android
Followers = 1033
Followers = 3244
Followers = 101
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followers 2315
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~~~ embed:BoimOscDFp5/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1xck2law2f3gi instagram metadata:Qm9pbU9zY0RGcDUvP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9aWdfc2hhcmVfc2hlZXQmaWdzaGlkPTF4Y2sybGF3MmYzZ2k= ~~~
Posted using Partiko Android
Followers =394
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connection 1021
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followers 514
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followers 334
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followers 1
Elixer flagged your post. Show him your true power!!!
Friends : 4780
Followers : 111
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hello @actnearn i not get your vote on action #34
Follower -1081
Sir @actnearn
Posted using Partiko Android