
i watched, but in this instagram is not explained, rather just mentioned

if there any more link to illustrating please send, actually i am trying on instagram first time. please help/guide

These are the steps u will have to do

FOR Instagram

  1. Login to your Instagram account
  2. Search for actnearn account
  3. Follow actnearn Instagram account
  4. Like current post of actnearn account in instagram
  5. Reply to current post with - @yoursteemaccountname, #actnearn, #SMT
  6. Share current post of actnearn
  7. Go to your profile and make story from shared post and share it as your story
  8. Copy link of post from step 6 shared by you and note your Instagram followers
  9. Reply to this post by pasting copied link and in next line write " Followers = number of your Instagram followers"
  10. And Post

and also look at how @amritmahal did

please check, is it ok


now its ok. but yr original comment will be upvoted. as we upvote level one comment