We Invite Suggestions
We invite our supporters to suggest Crypto Related Campaigns that are worth pursuing. What we mean by worth is that if we are using our network to promote them then what are we getting in return.
But in all cases we will stay clear to not to be part of any scam.
Suggest in comments. If selected by us then that comment will be upvoted with 100% upvote weight.
LASSECASH by @lasseehlers could be a good option. Though, I don't know what would you get in return other than LASSECASH tokens and generous upvote from @lasseehlers.
I think, further details can be discussed with him if he and you both are interested.
Have a nice day.
Thank you. We think in general we should start adding other steem dapp tags like pal, lassecash etc to our posts.
But we think for growth of actnearn and steem we must look outside of steem ecosystem for the opportunities. Because then we bring rewards from their for the services that our platform uses. And the these rewards earned from outside are finally spent to buy steem - thereby increasing value of steem.
Your comment is upvoted with 25% weight.
That would be an excellent strategy. It would be helpful in spreading the Steem BC to other blockchain users as well.
This has also broaden the scope of what can be suggested. I will comment with more options, with more projects I like to be promoted or the projects which have some potential to grow and are legit.
Thanks for the upvote. Wish you a lovely day.
Thank u. Looking forward for your suggestions.
I would like to suggest @steemhunt ( https://steemhunt.com/ ) that is producthunt-like dApp on Steem blockchain that rewards the hunters with steem and hunt tokens for finding cool products and introduce them to steemhunt.
They used to have hunt rewards for promoting their hunts on social media. But now they don't have.
I was thinking that we can create a post on how you can earn crypto with your Twitter/IE share to steem and Snax and share it to Twitter and get all steemians to retweet it so we push the algorithms to provide us with a further reach. We can also use any upvotes from the post to boost the reach of the post via twitter ads and really get the concept out to a bigger audience.
By having one post instead of thousands we concentrate all the traffic and shares on one URL which will also help with shares and tracking of performance to see how far the campaign reaches. New people who come in throught he post and join should also be encouraged to reshare it to keep the momentum going.
Thnx. That is interesting point to increase the visibility of actnearn itself. And we invite users to make the relevant post for that. We will keep it under promoted section and after tweeting -pin it there for promotion by steemians.
Having said that, this is not directly related to the kinds of suggestions invited in the post.
@actnearn, We see you supporting us and we are rewarding you with our tokens for that. However, we would love to see more contributions from you and we are ready to reward you for that. You will note that our budget of 100$/month for promotion is almost unspent.
Thank u @usdone. We will do our best possible. Don't worry for the budget. As our community grows we will ask more for per promotion, which we believe you will agree to.
We did one more campaign today for you. You can verify at below link
We suggest that you pls get some good content that we can use while promoting you.
Thnk You @actnearn. We have sent you 1 USDONE for your this contribution. Below is the trx id https://steemd.com/tx/e812344d80c52561ab2a35ef185919167cb92316
We also would like to suggest that you post your campaign content using www.actnearn.com and promote your post there for our followers to promote further to earn rewards directly from you.
Thnk You. We will do that.
For content we suggest that you announce a reward on actnearn. We will promote that and then you discuss with interested parties.
That's great. We will do that soon.
We have done as you suggested. Pls promote our latest post on your platform and we will give you 1 USDONE as we have been doing. Thnx