Last Analysis
Last analysis was done and posted on 9th May 2019.
Crypto Assets Price Prediction Using AI : Buy or Hold or Exit
In that analysis - The BTC and ETH both were evaluated to be fair valued. It was recommended to stay long.
Current Analysis
I have come up with a different methodology now. The details for the methodology are given below. The below results are using the latest methodology:
Modeled Price for BTC (10617) is higher than Actual Price for BTC (8178)
-> BTC is undervalued
-> Current Signal is Exit which came on 19th August 2019.
Modeled Price for ETH(175.39) is lower than actual price for ETH (182.64)
-> ETH is slighly overvalued
-> Current Signal is Long which came on 1st October 2019.
Other relevant analysis by me
Recently I did additional analysis using different approaches and same are listed below:
Buy Signal Continues : Prediction Working
We are now in Bull Market: Death cross will be overcome soon
Bitcoin Price Prediction : Can Go down to 2000 by Dec'19 before moving upto 200000 by Dec'23
Other important analysis by others
Modeling Bitcoin's Value with Scarcity
For long term investor - the bull has started based on all the analysis. BTC is significantly undervalued and ETH is more or less fairly valued. The tether supply is almost constant for a month. Short term there may be minor moves downwards if tether supply does not move up. However, long term market is in upward move.
Methodology for Analysis
ShilazTech and Santiment did a joint research for 4 months to understand the crypto economic patterns using blockchain data. The results of the study are published in UNDERSTANDING CRYPTO ECONOMIC CYCLES USING BLOCKCHAIN DATA FROM SANTIMENT. The approach#5 from the study is used in current analysis.
Keep steeming.
Note - it is merely an analysis out of my interest. I take no responsibility for any loss anybody incurs as a result of following it.