The Last Of Us Part 2 (developed by naughty Dog) is going to be released in 12 days on June 19th. I played The Last of Us in 2017 and I absolutely loved it. I played through the game multiple times because it had a great story and the gameplay was fun. But recently the story of TLOU Part 2 got leaked and if I’m being honest, I don’t feel like playing the game anymore (you can read the leaks on Reddit if you want to). Although the gameplay looks amazing, the graphics are better than ever but what made TLOU one of the best games ever was the storyline, and it seems that the studio has completely abandoned character development to enforce their SJW agenda. I just hope that the leaks aren’t true and if they are, I hope they are justified otherwise TLOU Part 2 might be unsuccessful and might cause Naughty Dog to disband.