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RE: Tell US Your Random Acts Of Kindness Stories. We Want To Hear From You!

It's a great idea for a challenge. So many folks don't want to talk about the good they do, they think it makes them conceited, and that's how we've been programmed really.

On the tv and newspapers, we are bombarded all day with tales of the worst sides of humanity, every bad bit of news they can round up from across the globe, and that's acceptable, but someone wants to share something good, and suddenly they're not altruistic or good anymore because they shared it. Sad!

What this world needs, is to hear about, to know the good that is happening all the time and everywhere around us. This is soul food and if enough shared the good, perhaps we could turn the tide of this world, from one of misery, to one of hope and happiness.


You get 100% of my upvoting power today on your fantastic comment. I completely agree and couldn't have written these thoughts better myself.
I get that people don't want to be perceived as bragging about their good deeds, but when we share the good, everyone's body get a boost of endorphins and that literally heals ALL who digest the story. (The originally person who performed the act of kindness, the receiver of the kindness, the witnesses of the act and all the folks who hear about it after the event has occurred.)
We can change the world if we think first and then change how and what we do, instead of blindly behaving a certain way because that's the way things have always been done. We simply must step outside the box and break the mold. It starts with each of us and our willingness to share with others.
Thanks for your great comment Lyndsay! I really appreciate you, my friend. ;)

Thank you SO much, and I appreciate you too. You guys are doing a wonderful thing for this platform, and I can see the Kindness challenge growing WINGS! I really can. I'll be supporting it/reading it and trying to contribute to it each and every time. I'm gonna resteem it in a little bit :) :) <3 <3 Big Love n Hugs!! xoxooxox

can't think of any
is that a flowering Amaryllis on the pic btw?
you got them in summer?

Yes!!! The bulb is 3 years old. It bloomed in December of 2014, then I kept it in the house until June 2015 before I planted it in my garden. In October 2015, I dug it out, kept it in the house for the winter, never flowered. Threw it outside again for 2016 and wintered it in the house and it never flowered. It only grew leaves each time. This May, I threw it outside again and just noticed that it was going to flower. This is why I have an Amaryllis in flower, in August! It is very unusual and is a random act of kindness on the part of this plant/bulb and I, because I didn't just give up on it and throw it out. ;)

Can't wait to read your story!!

Thank you <3 <3 NatureOfBeing :) xo