
Eh, what’s up @sparkesy43, what a pleasant surprise. Thanks for checking this article out, I’m glad you liked it—happy Wednesday my favorite Aussie!

Ha! Yeah, I’m the president of the association actually, can’t you tell? I’ve been on them for awhile now—I think I need a raise danget!

Check out raserrano’s comment on this one, sir, he’s a Costa Rican native, his comment put a big ol’ smile on my grill.

Thanks for stopping by @sparkesy43.

I spent a couple of months working in India a few years back, and there were certainly similarities with that, though I was fortunate enough to make some great friends there who guided me a fair bit - I think @raserrano and @lynncoyle1 both raise excellent points.

1 - There are a handful of locals that really are genuine and welcoming

2 - A lot of tourists are disrespectful asshats that leave a pretty nasty taste in the mouth of anyone who interacts with them.

I agree, they both raise excellent points. Sorry, I can’t help myself...

  1. I’m sure you’re right, perhaps we’d meet one if we stayed here for a seventh month—0 in 6 months (except for a virtual raserrano) is plenty for me sir. I know where I can find one in Australia, though! 👍🏿
  2. Disrespectful is something I can get plenty of in Los Angeles, it comes natural there, the difference is they weren’t bred to prey on me.

Ever since we started chatting I keep meaning to tell you.. ok, the world I made a living in between age 18 and 41, Union Electrician, right? Well, on the job, each trade has a nickname—iron workers are iron heads, pipe fitters are pipe fighters, etc. Well, we are known in the construction world as “Sparky’s.” Since the first time I began chatting with you I thought “hey is this dude a Wireman?” Ha!! Always nice to hear from you, sir! We miss your messy kid finger food fights. 👍🏿