The 4 principles of Sayidina Ali (ra)

in #adab4 years ago

As-Sakoot, To be silent

Sayyidina `Ali (r) said, “Do you want to reach high levels? Then you must follow four principles. If you follow them, you will reach where they want you to reach.” And all of these principles are according to the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

That part, which is the Sunnah, will make you be like a magnet attracted to Allah’s (swt) Mercy and the Prophet’s ﷺ Gaze, because the Prophet ﷺ observes the amal of the Ummah. So SayyidinaAli (r) said that if you want the Prophet (s) to look at you, then you must have four principles.

  1. As-Sakoot, To be silent. First of all, what is most important? It is not to talk. Don’t open your mouth, as-sakoot; first is silence. It is said of sakoot, “If to talk it is like silver, then sakoot, silence is from gold.” Being silent means be with your self, remembering Allah and His Prophet ﷺ.

That is what you need, this is your saqoot. Not when you are teaching or advising; that is okay, but to have this principle in order to be lifted higher, be quiet, especially in front of your teacher.

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani


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