I have been toying with writing a statement about the Kokshian drama that popped off this week....
I have actually written two full articles about it all and then deleted them both.
I feel this annoyance with the whole thing. Like, it is a huge waste of my time to comment on the actions of a sociopath.
It's a huge waste of my time to care what he does or what people think about him for 2 reasons:
- He is not going to change who he is because of my opinion of him. He can't. He is internally wired to believe that he is the shit and that his shit is holy.
- People who support him are just as stubborn about their fandom and view my opinion as that of the enemy anyway.
And what do I care what any of those people do, on top of that? I have enough to worry about in my own life and I don't need Adam Kokesh to steal any more of my time whether it be from my family, my jobs, my thoughts, emotions, or my wine time.
And really, that's my biggest regret in all of this... I stopped drinking wine regularly because I was working too hard on his tour so he could sleep.
Well, no more. sips very full wine glass. Cheers to freedom.
Well said :)