Here's a blast from the past where Adam Kokesh interviews Rand Paul. The best laugh came at the 4:30 mark when Adam was claiming something about "making the Republican Party a vehicle of principle". Then watch the 5:00 min mark where Rand talks about bringing people in that wasteland into the libertarian ideal.
what a waste of time, money and effort. If you are going to be LIBERTARIAN... then stop trying to change a party which is based on the ideals of the Roman Empire. Come on, millenials. Up your game. You have fallen asleep since Ron Paul's last attempt in 2012. Let's get Adam's "Freedom!" book in everyone's hands, or on their computer where they can listen to the audio file.
Adam can only do so much by himself....
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be millennials instead of millenials.ah. thank you. Never knew it had two n's.