Kokesh: On his Way to His Way? Perhaps.

on his way....

Louis Charles [email protected]
To:Adam Kokesh

Apr 13 at 1:43 PM
If one didn't know better, one would think, after watching this, our Blessed Holy Spirit is speaking to us through Captain HalfHebe! LOL

But anyone familiar with John 14:6 knows better. So, we can safely conclude this construction he expresses has been a total result of his secular self. Not a bad start! LOL But don't worry... one more stint of "greybar therapy" a bit worse than his buddy Sheriff Akin recently administrated in Texas, he'll have time in his solitary cell to learn the New Testament... and how to escape the clutches of Hell and the power of satan. Eph ch. 6!

Now if he would only start focusing more on his campaign team: beginning with the production of a state HQ and state Director times 50!... we would assure this exact message will be confronting Trumptard and Okra in 2020 on the debate stage. What happens after that? Who knows? But let's get Adam the 15% polling he needs to be the "next Ross Perot".

Enjoy the inspiration. Be sure to see Frostproof Libertarian Proving Ground in the comments.

No hell, Adam? uh, huh................................. (referencing 5:43 mark)

Louis Charles "Chuck" Geshlider
Prime Minister, Deplorable Nation


I will help on his campaign in Mississippi, but we need to have some correspondence from a campaign director and a national coordinator

There is no campaign director. Only posers and amateur LARP'rs. I got your email and responded. Nice to meet you.

In fact, in addition, i can't even call what Kokesh now has a "campaign". If you can't even guard your friggin' treasury at this level, what will happen when real money is stashed in, and washed through there? Who was the treasurer, his g/f? Slothful friggin' Marine!

If he has no organization whatsoever, then all is just theatre and he has no serious strategy or goals at all
I responded to your email and sent my Skype info

AK is simply in "earn as you learn" mode (assuming he is on the up-and-up and not intentionally sabotaging things as another coIntelPro operative in cloak would do). He is a salesman of the anarchoVol ideal. He has amazing skill with personal delivery, public address, vid presentation and of course, an amazing book. ...along with a great prescription to END THE WHOLE FEDgov; which I have labled "Split 50!" for easy communication purposes. He is not an expert in the organizion building arena. The boy can't be everything!

There is ample time to organize PROPERLY, if he would spit his pride and find Americans who can really help his cause. The LP is so small, that this episode of phumphering around in slothville can get lost in the sauce if he starts over; all will be forgotten by the few who are witness to this chapter assuming he rights the ship and can prove he has made it all water-tight and impenatrable... He must allow people like me to help him trouble-shoot things to find the small cracks which experts can exploit and enter.

At this juncture in American history NO ONE GIVES A DAMN what the LP does; nor any of it's candidates. They are so irrelevant they can't even figure out how to organize and win a majority in a village of 500 to govern the place!!! 47 years of this inept stupidity. So we can consider Adam's non-sense here just more of the typical LP amateur hour, and to be forgotten once he does it right.

This all leads into what you and I shall discuss tomorrow. It really doesn't matter if we shall be talking about Adam's campaign, nor any other LP seeking a nomination for anything. The problem remains the same. So what we come up with/end up with, will be Universal and an easy plug-in for anyone running, at any level. Again, bypassing any "cult of personality" requirement to garner attention and support.