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RE: 10 Months Heroin Free - And I Rebuilt My Life

in #addiction7 years ago

10 months ago?! That's a testament to your will to not just survive but thrive. You are so freakin' special. There is no one that can be you and the world would be a much dimmer place without our cuddly little panda bear. Love you to pieces.


Ahh I just adore you. You made my night with your comment just now! <3 Seriously, friends (even new ones) and family are mainly what helped me weather the storms when the days were brutal....things are a lot easier now, but I still have to actively watch out for myself and stay in check.

You guys help me do just that with all the love and support you all show me. It's an honor and a privilege to have had the opportunity to build this community and have such incredible people like yourself join - love you to pieces too!! <3