I can so relate as I have found myself being consumed by my Steemit addition. Almost every waking hour I have is in Steemit.
Oftentimes while in a meeting or working I would jot down ideas for posts and even start drafting talking points so that when I get home I start writing.
I experience the FOMO of reading a good post from someone here in Steemit as I have been practicing looking for hidden gems because I am practicing to be a curator.
I have been cutting time off my sleep just to satisfy my addition to read new content.
People from my group @steemitfamilyph has been admonishing me for always being online and answering questions that they jokingly threaten to kick me out so I can sleep.
I know it's not good and I set time to walk with my dog and spend some time offline from Steemit but it's so hard hahaha!
Hopefully I can better manage time and give some attention to taking care of my body as well.
Join the club. You should have seen me when i first found steemit. I was posting 2 times per day every day. I also hung out in the introduceyourself tag and was welcoming everyone. For me, it got so bad that i was having hallucinations all the time, because my sleep had become scant at best. It was a better addiction than drinking, because I was learning, so I never thought it was a problem. Now, after almost 2 years, I am healthier on here, but Twitter has become a problem for me. I think in a few years, i will be free from my last addiction, that's my goal for the future. With addicts, it feels that it is always 'something'.
You sound like you're inspired on Steemit. This is a good thing. Breaks are good too though.
I can't help but be inspired with Steemit. It has saved me from my depression and stopped me from taking my life.
I've met some pretty amazing human beings here that want to do a lot of things.
I live each day thankful and I go find people who was like me close to the edge, ready to jump and hopefully try to give them hope and walk back to where it is safe.
I plan to continue featuring stories from humans in Steemit to give exposure to people that they are not alone. That someone will always have a kind word for them
If I save one life I would consider myself to be lucky and have made a difference.
The new people I am taking care in our little pond also inspires me .
I know some rest would be good but just want to do so many things. Confessions of a Steemit addict haha.