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RE: A Real Post

in #addiction7 years ago

Information is constant in the 24/7 news cycle we have created, even more so in the Crypto World since it does not abide by bankers hours. It is easy to be overwhelmed, like you can't get away from Twitter for two minutes. The FOMO is real!

It is hard for people who have not experienced drug addiction to understand the word addiction, because that is all addiction typically gets used to convey, drugs, alcohol, or if you are Tiger Woods,Sex. These addictions are BAD, addiction to anything else is GOOD. But addictions of any type can really weigh on us.

It is good that you are recognizing the need to step back and make adjustments. You have to do what is best for you and your family at all times. With the Crypto markets the way they have been the past two days, it is a perfect time to get away from that part of the information overload and do something else you enjoy. The markets will still be there when you come back.

Keep on trucking Stella! You are the only master of you! Mind over Mind!


Ha ha MInd over mind. Yeah, I expect a lot from myself, and tend to belittle my own efforts.....the truth is that for me, info addiction feels sometimes just as bad as my alcohol addiction. i have info hangovers, and withdrawal symptoms. I think people have no idea how I am capable of abusing the most normal things. I've tried many things so far, like setting time limits, nothing works really.
I think i need to find out what is underneath the's still not clear to me what i am trying to learn....sometimes it's like i feel i'm in a candy store, once i open up twitter and there is a whole stack of Neeraj's tweets i have not seen. I have no idea how these things start. It's very weird to me even almost feels that I was created for various addictions, and now that I got the 9-5 job out of the way, I can indulge myself in them WHOLE HOG......