Opioid Epidemic: Who is really at fault? A short poem

in #addiction8 years ago (edited)

They told us it wasn't an addictive drug
but i just watched my brother die when his lungs shut off.
While purdue pharma counts the money they got stacked up,
they have the government in their pocket helping them push drugs

These are the modern drug dealers,
in this opioid epidemic.
Killing more people a year than car crashes
and sending innocent drug addicts to prison

It's time to wake up
stop letting young people die
Purdue pharma is killing people
so why should they survive?


If you know of anyone suffering from the disease of addiction please visit...

to find a Narcotics Anonymous meeting near you. https://www.addiction.com/meetingfinder/

I used to be an addict myself and I am now clean for 18 months. No matter how hard it seems to quit when you are deeply intertwined with a drug, you can always get out. You are stronger then you think, never let that drug win!