Short but sweet!
I only joined a few days ago, and I can't stop bloody reading posts. I love to learn, hence why my user name is Feed-Me-More. It's not cause I'm a porker and want to eat everything (which also sounds like me) It's cause I want to feed my brain more Knowledge. I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm not learning something.
I'm so chuffed I've found this site, it's great and it gives me something to focus on. Keep up the good work guys, I can't wait to read more!
While I'm here I might as well introduce myself a little bit as well.
My name is Luke, I live in a small town in the south west of England. I served my country as a Medic in Her Majesty's British Army (Yep, I'm a proud veteran) for 7 years. Since leaving a few years ago my main goal has been to make my family happy, and make sure I've got enough money for my kids to have a bright future.
For years I've been looking for various things that