My Drug Addiction-Part 1

in #addicts8 years ago (edited)

Today, and everyday, I'm thankful that I have loosed myself free from the chains of addiction. I've been sober for 1 year and 2 months. My drug of choice was heroin. Although, it didn't begin with heroin. It started 8 years ago with prescription medication for a chronic degenerative hip joint. Like many others, my body became addicted to the meds that were supposed to be helping me. The meds did help, at first. Then, inevitably my tolerence grew to such a degree that the amount which would be required, a doctor wouldn't prescribe. Oddly enough, I found out that heroin was both easier to obtain and cheaper to buy than prescription meds on the street. I struggled for quite sometime with the idea of actually, buying meds from others...and heroin? Well, that was for junkies, obviously! For those who have been fortunate enough never to know what chronic pain is like...and to what lengths one will go to rid themselves of it, count your blessings! I used to be one of those people who looked down upon those that had addictions. Saying things like "Oh, I'd never do drugs" and "Those people are weak and don't want to change". Damn, if ever someone received a big bitch slap from karma, it'd be me! I got the pleasure of eating those harsh words. At any rate, there will come a moment in life where you literally will choose between life and death, figuratively and for some, quite literally. Unfortunately, I chose wrong. I did heroin for the first time, and ya know what? I liked it. A lot. All of my physical pain melted away in a matter of a few short minutes. Wow! It was in that moment that a monster was born...