Why I think ADHD DOESN'T EXIST and how the education system can be at fault

in #adhd7 years ago

I think mental problems like ADHD / ADD / OCD /  even some (if not most) cases of ANXIETY and DEPRESSION are excuses for big drug companies to make Huge Profit!!

Not to sound un-sensitive or ignorant but, I think its about time more people started questioning these things - THINK about it, there is No hard-core proof these things even exist!!. (go search up on that actually its really eye opening)

To me, the problem isn't in the person, it's in the system which can only work properly when cookie-cutter employees - who don't mind being locked in a room for a huge portion of the day - are made.

My previous post shared some statistics on Big Pharma and how much money they make but, here I'm gonna show what they do to prescribe people to their way of thinking.


The modern school system was manufactured by the British empire around 200/300 years ago to create cookie-cutter workers, to help the empire expand and thrive, they did not need free thinking individuals who want freedom.

Knowing this I understand why kids and parent all over the world are succumbing to this way of thinking (cult) of prescription drugs, we don't live in those times any more however, the education system hasn't changed it's general methods.

So as kids want to run around outside and learn about themselves and the universe, they are still enclosed in a classrooms learning about triangles and Shakespeare and made to sit and be quiet for as long as 8 hours a day, then usually forced to complete homework that is totally irrelevant.

When children start "misbehaving" in class (talking, standing up, answering back, fighting, not paying attention) they will ultimately be told they have and incurable mental disease that centres around attention, then told to take these pills that will help them focus and later help them get and sustain a job.

In general, Big-Pharma is allowed to literally get away with murder because of the lousy and outdated education system we've all grown up in!

---[-]--- Extra Note ---[-]---

Look at This!

Adderall and Meth are pretty much the same substance

Wonder how many other prescription drugs are similar to "bad" drugs ??

Do you agree with my assessment of these "illnesses"??

What are your Thoughts on this? - I'm curious to what other people think about this subject!! - Please reply bellow 

Thanks to [ http://www.units.miamioh.edu/psybersite/humor/hum300.shtml ] for the image

                   [https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwizlLrXxtbUAhWJvBQKHSbXBNAQjhwIBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thecabinchiangmai.com%2Fadderall-amphetamine-and-methamphetamine%2F&psig=AFQjCNEaXm9lMeFP3MH1DYm7vAYIerCDxw&ust=1498396104296988 ] for the image


What do you guys think???

I agree with this to some extent. Yes there are doctors pushing pills to patients that don't need them. But there are people out there like my sister who need the medication to help with her problems

thanks for the comment ! Hope your sister gets better