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RE: Communication Deficiency and Inhibiting Delusions - Why Commenting is Essential to Everyone's Success on Steemit

in #adifferentmeta7 years ago

Thank you for this wealth of information @rensoul17!

I went through that first article and there were a few of Braden's points I wanted to discuss.

"The second theory was an explanation of the universe as a single unified system of nature, and laid the foundation for his pioneering work, Wholeness and the Implicate Order. In it, Bohm proposed that if we could see the universe in its entirely from a higher vantage point, the objects in our world would in fact appear as a projection of things happening in another reality that we cannot observe. He viewed both the seen as well as the unseen as expressions of a greater, more universal order. From his perspective, what we see as our world is actually the projection of something even more real that’s happening at a deeper level of creation."

Aleegory of the Cave at me, in the regards that on our plane of existence, we are no different than the prisoners chained to a wall and staring at shadows projected by a fire we can't experience. When we take the universe into account, we are merely only experiencing one projection—one shadow far from the whole.The first part is something I think @clayboyn would enjoy reading. When looking at our physical reality, it's important to know that everything that we can perceive with our 5 senses is not all that exists. This screams Platos

"In everything from searching for romance and healing our loved ones to the fulfillment of our deepest aspirations, we are an integral part of all that we experience each day."

Understanding that we are not strictly an observer, but a part of the reality that we experience paves the way and begins to transform our own lives to be in align with our desires.

And lastly, when Braden said;

"It is in the coupling of the imagination – the idea of something that could be – with an emotion that gives life to a possibility that it becomes a reality.'

I also firmly believe that thought's content and emotional charge are the door that leads to a shift.

This is the first time I've heard of a Biblical story tying into this theme, and I take the harlot's actions as literally giving a sign to those who searched deep for the actions that needed to be taken. This woman may well be an early incarnation of fate! It's impressive to have a Doctorates in such a deep field :D

The second story of the red string from Japan is the one I'm implying. All of the initials mentioned in my diary are people that have been written about in my blogs more than once, and are an integral part of my life's story. It spans oceans, impossible situations, summonings, and connectedness outside of what we know as space-time.

Lastly, I'm happy that you've enjoyed my other blog that peeks into wealth and currency as a whole, as I feel that having a deeper grasp can resolve many "standard issues" before they even arise! Not everyone gets to choose their roommates and I can see see how much effort you are taking in on your part to have this move run smoothly!

With love,