For V/Contact - Catching up with some interesting Projections / images

in #adjacent8 years ago (edited)

Note - these are generally for readers of v/Contact if you haven’t specifically read the key aspect of the right hand side of v/Contact etc you may get no useful info from this, read and discern as you like

Steemit is not fully functional as a 'social media' but is good to link to as a 'blog'

Warning and value of selection:

Discern all this as you will.

Month oct~ 2016

I was in an adj field to the 3D plane in which was likely a fork of the 3D plane in which I had not recovered the info I have presently recovered (As of yet)
I was with two other people one female and one male - we were all ‘traders’ that is to say we were buying and selling items.
We had recently just made good on a fairly large sale and had increased our money significantly.
I had the feeling we took a pretty big gamble and it paid off.

We were back at an apartment of the female, I was feeling like I had pain in my shoulders and my neck and head, I was talking about this.

The other male guy was in the other room.
The female said to me “kneel down here” she was telling me to kneel down on the floor and that she could heal me as she would invoke Jesus to heal that pain, I was showing incredulity to this as she was rather a self centred person the impression I got was that the things she did were only to gain advantage for herself.

However the pain was there and in absences of a painkiller I did what she said.
So I knelt on the floor and sat my head forward, she came towards me and put her right hand on the back of my head.
Then there was an adjacent field sound (this is a loud sound best described like a torrent of water)
Into my head came the ‘Traditional’ image of Jesus (this was quite vivid I could easily draw the image or find it on-line I’m sure)

It was close to this but different head was more angled :

it was the traditional sepia/ copper image of Jesus head with a crown of thorns.

At that point I recovered the information I have from the 3D plane (that I presently have)

Then humorously there was a large explosion, this upended the girl she was thrown backwards.
Then in my head the image of the other guy in the next room he was reaching for something in a cupboard and he was also struck down (he wasn't ‘killed’ he was just stuck down to the ground)
So they were at that point both struck down to the ground, with the girl being thrown backwards.

What followed was both of these people trying to ignore/avoid what happened but as I had recovered info form this plane I knew everything I know now.

I said to the girl:

‘Ahh do you want to talk about that?, I think he’s really kinda got your number?”

She resolutely didn't want to talk about what had happened and neither did the guy.

The implication was ‘there is nowhere to hide’

(as i had recovered all my memory up to here i saw probably more amusement in the situation than i should and i also had a vivid image of her going arse over tit backwards.)

The last part was me basically back at a market with the money I had gained from the previous trade I was looking at (strangely enough) a set of like face creams and other various items.

This was quite specific I remember the whole bundle and pack was in a box and there were various items in the box, the box cost to me was 11$

However I looked at one tube of cream and thought to myself that some people would pay 20$ for this one single item, this tube.
So in that sense then I looked at the other items in the box and they may have been of lesser value but everything after that single item was a bonus as it could be sold for more by itself than the cost to the whole box.

As I had recovered info I interpreted this as ‘Jesus’ (Enki) saying that when it comes to his actions he will always make sure that if there is a variable set there will always be an individual in the set that is more valuable than any of the effort that would be to ‘invest’ in whole even though all are valuable.

I interpreted that explosion obviously that there is really no place to hide for some people and that people should not use / invoke his Earthly name (DNA incarnation) to try to gain some (or any personal advantage)

Out of the blue.

Month Oct~ 2016
I was walking down a lane-way between houses, this was just a dirt lane-way the day was a very clear blue sky sun was out bright.
I walked past some kids that were in a yard playing behind a house,(in the lane) they ranged from about 6 yrs to 12 yrs.
They were in a school uniform that was two checks of blue a dark blue and a lighter blue.
I got about 5 meters past them as I glanced up to the sky. (as I oft do)
That’s when I saw a small circle object:

This object was about the size of a marble in the sky so to give reference if the moon was up in the daytime (as it is want to do these days)
If the full moon was say high in the sky and was from your perspective a bit bigger than say a large Orange this object was the size of a small marble in the sky.
The first thing I thought was:
“someone has really screwed up (or is screwing around with) the moon image."

But I glanced down and back up again and the object was clearly larger than before, this happened in a matter of less than 1 second.

I watched and it grew in about 1 more second to as large or larger than the moon should be.
At this stage I thought:

“If this is real and impacts as it looks it will I have less than 3 seconds to live” ha ha

I glanced over to the kids they were completely unaware as to what was happening.

In that time it took me to glance over by the time I had glanced back up the object was much larger it was probably 3 times the size of the moon and I could actually see it was a planet.

I could see the water (oceans) and actually could make out continents (it wasn't Earth but a planet nevertheless)

It as I watched it passed to my left not impacting the Earth (even though just seconds before it seemed certain)
I didn't feel scared or frightened just that familiar feeling of butterflies / adrenaline.)

As it passed by there were explosions in the sky - visual fire and then sonic booms (that shook like Earthquakes) this gained the attention of the children and they all looked over to me with various looks of fear and dread.

I said :

“oops looks like you should probably head home and talk to your parents”

They all agreed and left.

The sun was pretty much overhead but i got a feeling the object came from about mid way high in the sky and to about 15 degrees left of where the Sun would rise. (or would have earlier in the day)