Once you begin to get comfortable using Illustrator, you’ll likely want to do certain tasks faster. Whether it’s managing the type of view, resizing design elements, or quickly grouping objects, keyboard shortcuts can make your life much easier. There are often tasks that occur several dozen times throughout the design process that you’ll want to speed up. Let’s go over 10 of the most useful Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts.
1 - V
Selection Tool
2 - B
Brush Tool
3 - Tab
Toggle Menu Bar
4 - I
Eyedropper Tool
5 - M
Rectangle Tool
6 - \
Line Tool
7 - A
Direct Selection Tool
8 - Cmd (Ctrl) + N
New Document
9 - Cmd (Ctrl) + L
New Layer
10 - Cmd (Ctrl) + J
Join Anchor Points
These are the tip of the iceberg. There will be more posts about workflow, shortcuts and automation in the future. Hope you found these useful!