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RE: ADSactly Psychology - Procrastination

in #adsactly7 years ago

Cool read! I once read somewhere that procrastination doesn’t exist. It’s just that what is in front of you isn’t a priority.

Replacing procrastination with priority really puts things into perspective. People don’t procrastinate, they just don’t care enough about that certain task.

If you had the chance to make $2 and someone gave you that opportunity, you would most likely say, “sorry I can’t RIGHT NOW” but imagine if someone offered you $2,000,000 for the same task, would you put it off?

It’s not that you’re too busy, it’s that you didn’t care enough about the $2 to do it right away.

Learning this really put things into perspective for me.


Hello adamritterbush, I like the example you gave. Of course you will be motivated to do the two million dollar task. But procrastination due to overwhelm is a little different. A person with several two million dollar tasks on his to-do list can get overwhelmed and postpone getting things done. Overwhelm doesn't have to do with the reward involved, it's a negative feeling of not being able to handle or do all you have to do; it's more like an overload.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Absolutely! Two sides to it of course. Thanks for commenting back to this, I enjoy this side of Steemit.

following you now....:)